Coronavirus advice by MD Doctor

Hi, I am sure everyone has been getting all kinds of forwards about the Coronavirus, however I received this one and personally I think it makes most sense to me, that’s just my personal opinion and I want to share it with you guys!😊 The author is James Robb, MD UC San Diego Subject: WhatContinue reading “Coronavirus advice by MD Doctor”

Natural way that might help fight coronavirus

Scientist are weeks away from creating the vaccine, but what can we do at home to prevent Coronavirus? Before I tell you follow me to receive further updates. So what is Coronavirus exactly? Coronavirus is basically viral pneumonia. Those who catch this suffer from cough, fever, and breathing difficulties and in sever cases leading toContinue reading “Natural way that might help fight coronavirus”

Why do people with xeroderma pigmentosum need to stay out of the sun?

People who are sensitive to UV rays of sunlight are born with a rare disease called xeroderema pigmentosum. This disease affects the skin exposed to sun that is usually eyes and face. The symptom of this disease start in early childhood, just by being exposed to the sun for few minutes. It can cause the childContinue reading “Why do people with xeroderma pigmentosum need to stay out of the sun?”

Why protein is not as good as you think it is?( backed with medical studies)

“Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.” — Bethenny Frankel by Ayesha M Did you just guzzle down your last bottle of protein shake or had your last meal of steak? Now you are here because the title caught your eyes. You are now inquisitive about the title. You areContinue reading “Why protein is not as good as you think it is?( backed with medical studies)”

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