90 plus career ideas,turn your passion into career today.

Are you looking for some creative jobs that you can do easily and that requires little to no experience, then continue reading! Today I will list 99 plus creative careers that you can turn into a living. All you need, for this, is passion and motivation. If you lack passion and motivation, then there areContinue reading “90 plus career ideas,turn your passion into career today.”

How can you revive hardened brown sugar?

You just opened your pantry, to find that your brown sugar is hard and clumpy. Don’t panic! Today I am going to be sharing with you a tip that is personally tested and will help revive the hardened brown sugar. But before I continue, Please subscribe and follow my blog to receive daily updates. I’llContinue reading “How can you revive hardened brown sugar?”

Our Finite World

Exploring how oil limits affect the economy

The 3H: health,happiness,healing

Every life is special !


Behind every strong woman; are all the other women that came before!


Analyzing Good Businesses (AGB)

Saania's diary - reflections, learnings, sparkles

Life is all about being curious, asking questions, and discovering your passion. And it can be fun!

Philosophy Through Photography

"A photograph shouldn't be just a picture,it should be a philosophy" Amitkalantri.

Audrey Driscoll's Blog

Elements and Transformations

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